Sometimes the best things in the world are purely accidental. The solution to the most complicated problems are simple and right in front of us. And yet we fail to notice them until a major shock or a dire need compels us. The same has been true with virtual technology.
Virtual technology has been present since the early 2000s. But it wasn't until the disastrous
2020 pandemic that we truly accepted & adopted it commercially. Because of its benefits,
virtual technology has gained immense popularity. Who would know it better than a virtual
event organizing company like ibentos? In fact, many of our clients regret hosting expensive physical events and targeting localized markets in the past.
Education fairs, Conferences, B2B Meetings, Employee Meets, Medical Conferences or Product Launches, the virtual technology is on a rise everywhere. And believe us, for publicity driven events such as a Product Launch, it is no less than a boon!
Let us know why?
Product launch event is all about introducing a product to its customers & investors at the right time and right manner. There are two primary purposes:
i) Convey the product’s features & benefits successfully to the customers and increase its sales.
ii) To convince investors about the product success rate and boost investments.
You can achieve that by approaching Larger Markets, Greater Event Attendance, Impactful
Marketing, Effective Data Sharing. A Virtual platform offers all of that and much more, with less expenditure, time & effort.
How to host an unforgettable successful product launch?
● Schedule your product launch at the peak sales time
‘Strike hard while the iron is hot’- familiar proverb, isn't it? If you want high opening sales for your product, then schedule its launch at the peak sales time and preferably not coinciding with other similar product launches. The time may vary for different products, and every manufacturer can identify that easily.
The future sustenance of the product depends ultimately on its quality and price. But opening sales figures and initial customer reaction are highly crucial to achieve a good success rate and woe the investors.
● Run an effective marketing campaign
All events need a structured well designed marketing campaign to pull the audiences. And for product launch it is even more crucial. Your campaign should have freshness, audience appeal, storyline, suspense elements and step-by step disclosure of details. Its content should be apt for the media platforms it is meant for.
The media platforms with highest outreach to target customers should be prioritized. Standard media like newspapers, television, journals, magazines can be approached but emphasis should be on online promotion. Social media platforms like facebook, instagram, twitter, linkedin,google, tik tok etc, are the best options. Out of these, which one will work best for you, depends on the geography & audience age group. Use Influencer Marketing for better results.
● Select a quality Virtual Platform
Virtual platform is the key for seamless operation of any virtual event. It should have the basic features like customizability, flexibility, Scalability, AI Support, High Performance in different network conditions, unlimited & multiple type data share, unlimited networking options, compatibility to other softwares and so on. For a guaranteed high performance select ibentos or equivalent virtual platforms.
● Provide a visually rich experience for the audience.
Virtual product launch events are slightly different from physical launches. Physical launches have the glamour of venue, setup, live entertainment to engage the audiences. In virtual events, it is the visual appeal, immersiveness and user interface of the virtual environment that grips the audiences to the screen. Choose 3D or Metaverse platforms with real world resemblance, latest graphics, Avatars, AR & VR support.
The venue should be well structured and have the essential sections like: Attractive Welcome Spaces, Branding Lobby, Seminar Halls, Interaction Rooms, Speaker Lounges, Networking Lounges, Feedback Rooms, Breakout & Entertainment rooms, Sponsor’s Gallery, Feedback Rooms. Visit to know more about ibento’s virtual environment layouts & high functionality features.
● Craft your event content carefully
With virtual events there is literally no scope for lags & monotony. If you want your audience to stay on your page without scrolling ahead, the show has to be absolutely smooth, vivid and filled with amusement. The content has to be precise, to- the-point, fact based. It should have minimum words and maximum audio/visual/ graphical data representation. The sessions should be short, have frequent breaks and recaps in between.
● Let the audience feel the product
As it is a product launch event, talk more about product features, specifications and customer benefits. Perform Demos and draw out Comparison Charts that highlight where you excel your competitors. Incorporate 3D product models, and let your audience have a realistic feel of the product. Send free samples to the attendees as they register for the event.
● Keep the event interactive
Keep your event highly interactive, as it will help you understand their perception of the
product. Attend their queries, answer LIVE chats, involve them in discussions and gain their
trust & confidence. Invite media personalities, distribute product catalogs and product related merchandise among them. Try and use this opportunity to build a strong Brand Image.
● Arrange breaktime activities & entertainment
To boost audience engagement, it is important to utilize the breakout time with constructive activities like : Ice breaking sessions, themed games, talent shows, short online concerts and other entertainments. For creating a long lasting impression, allow your audience to mingle & form networks and create memories.
There is no competition to virtual platforms over global outreach and audience attendance. If designed, publicized and managed properly , virtual product launches can be ideal pitching ground for your product to your customers and investors. Ensure that you are hiring the right people for the job.
Ibentos is already a well established name in the Indian Virtual technology industry. We have designed some of the best Virtual Product Launch platforms in India and helped our clients achieve successful launches. Recently, we have expanded our business in Canada and have already started gaining a strong hold over Canadian markets.
If you desire an ideal virtual product launching platform for your upcoming product launch
event please contact us at
To know more about ibentos’s Indian/Candian work profile, past projects & client feedback
please visit Book a demo Now!