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Showing posts from 2021

Why are Organizers Shifting to the Hybrid Model?

2020 was an eventful year for individuals of all sectors and fields. While everyone perpetually shifted to the Virtual mode that year, the year 2021 and forward will be a year for the hybrid events platform . Restrictions on social gathering have started to lift and people are meeting and interacting with each other in the open once again. Hence, we believe that with the ease of physical meetings, coupled with the convenience of Virtual technology, holding events for brands and organizations will be a good idea now. This combination of the two - hybrid events will encourage attendees to participate in an event despite Covid-19 restrictions or other differences like geographical distance, time zones, travel etc. Like we said, there are other reasons other than Covid-19 restrictions which are enabling event organizers to stick to the virtual/hybrid format of holding events. Let’s tell you why! First and foremost, hybrid events offer flexibility and comfort for organizers and atte...

Is it time to follow the hybrid event trend?

TBH, we all freaked out when interacting and networking was banned a year ago. It still is, although many event organizers have now adapted to the virtual mode of executing events. Then, what exactly happened? Covid-19 enabled the tech companies, event companies and other software companies to reimagine networking and connecting with people. Events required people to gather and network and that became a big NO NO. Back then, a lot of event organizers swore by the format of in-person events and none could ever imagine that the rise of virtual format for events would be the next big thing. And as organizers loved in-person events & didn’t want to do away with the benefits of a virtual event? What could be better than mixing the both? Yes, people! This combination gave rise to the format of Hybrid Events wherein organizers could incorporate the important and coherent elements from both the formats and build it into one proper event. Now, this format isn’t a new thing to the ...

Maximize Your Trade Show Strategy.

Trade shows are an amazing place to promote your businesses, products, and services. Tons of brands and businesses visit the tradeshows to network and attract potential customers. The pandemic, in the past year, did bring everything to a standstill and all kinds of in-person events stopped. The events industry picked up the virtual format and kept going. It is going to be a while before planners and organizers decided to bring in physical events once again.  How to maximize your trade show strategy - before, during, and after the event? It is important for you to have the right technology and event tech partners for you to have the right kind of analytics and information to gauge the success rate of your trade show. If you are an organizer, looking at hosting a Virtual Trade Show , then here are 5 steps to maximize the most of it. Starting from booth engagement, pre-event appointments, matchmaking, all can be used to analyse the success of your virtual event. BEFORE THE SHO...

What Do Students Need From Virtual Fairs?

Virtual events have taken center stage following the breakout of the Covid-19 pandemic last year. Social distancing, with masks and other precautions, has become mandatory at any public space. To overcome this shortcoming, physical event providers switched to the virtual format of events to reach out to their audience.   Different sectors rolled out virtual events and the education institutes and event organizers were no different. Virtual Education events gained pace and started happening all across the world, helping students find their right school for higher education and equally helping parents find the right schools for their little ones. Although both organizers and attendees miss physical events, can we ignore the benefits it has brought along with itself? In order to refill the void created by physical events, many virtual event platforms had cropped up and eventually started to help organizers deal with the crisis of recruiting students for higher education. Though vi...

Networking features to get the most out of your Virtual Events.

Do you remember the days when in-person events were a thing and all one needed to do was go up to another person and talk in order to network. Well, things are not the same anymore. And virtual events have replaced in-person events. The Virtual Events Technology has taken over virtual events and it is a force to reckon with. See, in-person networking cannot be replaced, but the virtual events technology has actually made it possible for immersive networking opportunities to take place. These virtual events can be either in the form of Virtual Exhibition, Virtual Conferences and/or webinars. So, if you are a virtual event organizer, all you need to do is keep the goal of your event in place and reach out to a virtual event platform who can help you deliver a virtual event that is seamless and successful. Here's how ibentos can help you use the power of its networking features to initiate better business and meaningful interactions: ibentos Virtual Event platform has most of t...

Organising a Virtual Career Fair? Begin right here

The coming of Covid-19 has unexpectedly revolutionized the digital world. Like it, there have been many events in the past that led to major transitions and initiated a change in the global scenario. And this is what is happening exactly once again. The world has, in the past one year gone through so much and is continuing to evolve rapidly. The events industry section is one such that has had a tremendous effect. Unable to execute them, considering the social distancing norms, events have now turned online and transitioned to executing virtual forms of events of their physical ones. Let's go ahead and see how Covid-19 affected the employment sector and event organizations. If you are a Career or a Job Fair event organiser planning to bring together numerous companies on your platform and help them connect with the right talent, here is what you need to consider before you roll out a Virtual Career Fair: You can reach out to a larger group of candidates i.e., worldwide from a...

5 myths busted regarding Virtual events...offsite

Virtual events have taken over various industries right now. However, many believe virtual events are relatively difficult to pull off. The truth is virtual and hybrid events are a lot easier than it seems and can be a success if done the right way. All you need to do is have the right partner to execute your virtual and hybrid event . Below are a few myths we will clear for you before you misjudge the perks of a virtual event. Myth #1 People don't like to attend online events Live events have been an organizer's thing right from the beginning. Hence, switching to the other side was less motivating. Organizers had their apprehensions regarding audience engagement and interests. But can one ignore the engagement rates organizers reported after the pandemic? We don't think so. That's because the attendance was higher than ever. The online version of the event provided an opportunity to those who couldn't attend physical events to connect online. It led organizers ...

5 tips for Marketing Virtual Education Fairs to Prospective Students.

Despite the fact that Virtual Education Fair s have been around for a decade, as the school year starts, recruiters confront a tough challenge: organizing and marketing entirely virtual education fairs during a pandemic. The good news is that virtual events will continue to be attended by the vast majority of students. Consider how eager parents and students will be to reap the benefits of a virtual education fair from the comfort of their couches if they were willing to sacrifice their time and resources to travel to and attend one of the physical education fairs prior to the pandemic. The bad news is that since on-campus marketing is no longer a possibility, reaching kids may seem more difficult. Events necessitate a significant amount of time, resources, and effort. It's critical that prospects not only attend them but also receive proper follow-up. Fortunately, with the right marketing strategy, you can maximise event attendance, which will increase the number of interested s...

Why Choose Virtual Events over Zoom or Video meeting platforms?

Today, it won’t be wrong if we claim Zoom Meetings have become our way of life. Easy, breezy & at your convenience just after a hassle-free download. But have we come to consider that despite its presence, there are just a few areas that it is rather difficult to explore. For example, at our very own events industry, can a few zoom meetings & breakout rooms fulfill all our comprehensive requirements. We don’t think so! After all, all meeting platforms are not event platforms. And here is why! Virtual Events invoke an Immersive Experience Make your attendees experience a lively, immersive, and engaging experience. From creating a monument to cloning any real space, all is possible with a Virtual Event platform. It’s quite evident that this feature is unique to Virtual Event platforms and differs from Zoom Meetings or any other Video Meeting Platforms. A Walkthrough to your Virtual Event, different halls, themed games is only possible with our   Virtual Event Platform ....

How to Go Green with your Events?

T he Events The industry has miraculously transitioned into the virtual in the past year. And as always, many questions run through an event organizer’s mind , starting from expenditure to the event's sustainability. But, have you stopped to think about the kind of revolutionary change the pandemic has brought into our lives? Events have gone virtual, this means less wastage, less carbon footprint, cut down on expenses and a lot more. Although event organizers miss physical events, the technology has quite well cloned the real to digital. With event sustainability at the core, you too can host hybrid events if not a virtual one. What remains are the immense benefits that it brings to your table. Let’s take up one by one a look at what all can be avoided and achieved if you choose to go green at your next event. Less Travelling Global travel is one of the major contributing factors behind the world’s climate change situation today. While conducting a virtual event, the travel fac...

Best Online Platform For A Virtual Education Fair – Offsite

What are the possibilities of creating a flawless and immersive education event for your students? To be honest, there aren’t many, especially with traditional events banned due to the Covid-19 restrictions. However, during such times, can technology remain behind? Therefore, to expand the horizons of student interactions, the concept of a Virtual Event Platform had been developed, which allowed students to communicate and connect with their choice of institutions for admissions. Today, there are many such platforms that provide you the technology for ensuring a smooth student-institute interaction. However, to make it easier for you, we’ve listed a few names that have over time created seamless virtual education event experiences for them and event organizers like you. 1.      ibentos: An expert from the Events industry, they have been into events for the past 10 years and with their experience, your Virtual Education Fair game will surely be a top-notch expe...